Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Training Split...My Appoach...To weights, my love of crossfit, cardio and fitting it into life!

Hey Everybody,
Its been a long time since Ive written a note blog. So this is well overdue, so i thought Id cover a topic a lot ask me on here and Instagram. "My training split"...I find people can get too caught up in muscle groups and sticking to a schedule. From prior experience, for me this causes stress (stress is bad), I would freak out if I couldnt work the muscle group I planned, I would even if it was sore already and cause more damage then good.
So with a bit of research and experience (keeping in mind Im not a qualified personal trainer or nutritionist, just passionate about it), I changed my approach to training. I now run my program in a 10 day split of sorts, but will almost always change it, but this is a guide line:
Day 1:
AM Cardio
Chest/ Delts
Day 2:
AM Cardio
Back/ Tri's
Day 3:
Day 4:
AM Cardio
Day 5:
Day 6:
Active rest
Day 7:
AM Cardio
Day 8:
Day 9:
AM Cardio
Day 10:
This isn't what I always do ok,  If im sore from a WOD, and the muscle group I planned to work was say shoulders/bi's and my shoulders are sore, Ill do arms instead, so bi's/ tri's and I almost always change the layout or order of my workout, because there is almost always someone using the machine or area I plan to next, but this is good. It makes me deviate from my plan and thus doing something different, and I think that's the key to progress (and always keeping a log of it, weights and reps). Progressive overload and always mixing it up, keep the body guessing that is my goal.

So you may see on my page that I just target one group sometimes, on days like that, mainly when Im using a smaller muscle group, I like to train 2 times...I know seems extreme buts it not, my cardio is never intense cause I stay in the zone, a smaller muscle group is less energy taxing then a large...obviously, so sometimes I chuck in a body weight or kettle bell workout in the evening as well, nothing extreme, just 8 to 12 mins at max effort... But this is not every day, just some times...I like to keep it fun and If i have the energy to train again...then why not! Anyways thats just my approach...And its working for me...

Nikki oxox

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